Dr. Eun-Young Mun

Regents Professor, Department of Population & Community Health

Eun Young Min
Dr. Eun-Young Mun

Education & Experience:
I received my PhD in Psychology from Michigan State University. Prior to joining the HSC College of Public Health faculty in January 2018, I held faculty positions at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), from 2002-2006, and Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, from 2006-2017.

Teaching Areas & Public Health Interests:
I have over 25 years of teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I have taught courses in human development, adolescent and young adult health behavior, and applied statistical methods. At HSC, I have taught scientific writing courses for MS and PhD students to help guide discovery-based manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals, as well as advanced seminar courses in biostatistics and epidemiology for PhD students. Over my career, I have trained many undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows for research. Many trainees have published their research in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, secured funding from the National Institutes of Health and subsequently launched successful careers in research-intensive universities as faculty members or in technology or financial industries.

Professional Activities & Awards:
I am an active member of several national organizations, including the American Public Health Association (APHA), the American Statistical Association (ASA), the Association for Psychological Science (APS), the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) and the Society for Prevention Research (SPR). I have also served on NIH grant review committees as a standing member or ad hoc member continuously since 2010. In addition, I have served on editorial boards for several peer-reviewed journals and reviewed manuscripts for more than 30+ journals.

Scholarly Interests:
My research is broadly related to alcohol epidemiology and prevention among young adults. I have conducted longitudinal, clinical and experimental studies to understand how one’s risk for alcohol misuse is escalated, maintained or mitigated over time. More specifically, for the past 15-plus years, my research has focused on evaluating competing brief alcohol interventions and strategies for young adults via combining data from multiple studies to draw robust and reproducible inferences from large-scale data. We have also developed new research methods and statistical tools to more accurately quantify and characterize alcohol misuse outcomes, which led to changes in alcohol programming on college campuses, a retraction of a Cochrane systematic review and policy citations. We are particularly interested in state-of-the-art data extraction, curation, integration and synthesis methods for analyzing data in meta-analyses or integrative data analysis to guide evidence-based intervention decisions. Based on the insights and experience from Project INTEGRATE (2010 – ongoing; R01 AA019511 & K02 028630) and the prior work of collaborators (notably, Dr. Anne Ray at the University of Kentucky and Dr. Melissa Lewis at HSC), we have launched Project FRESH (2021 – ongoing; R01 AA028246), a dissemination and implementation science project to increase the uptake of evidence-based practices in real-world settings. Project FRESH is a multi-site project aimed at presenting first-year college students with interactive and personalized data and providing feedback to help promote their healthy passage in the first semester of college. To access publicly available articles, visit https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/eun-young.mun.2/bibliography/public/

Link to Dr. Mun’s Curriculum Vitae:

Link to Dr. Mun’s University Profile:

Link to Dr. Mun’s Project Integrate: